Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Too Busy to Blog

Here's a recap of the last week in May:

Saturday, 5/27 - We meet some teammates at Inspiration Point atop the Berkeley Hills for a spinnerval/run workout. The view is amazing and it is nice to have the company. The hour spin flies by, then we head out for a 12-mile run. I have been more tired than usual this week, so take the run pretty slow, but finish and still make it to my 2pm hair appt. Short hair kicks ass.

Sunday, 5/28 - The schedule calls for 3700 yards swimming and a 60 mile bike ride. Derek and I roll out of bed and amble to the Presidio Y to knock out 3000 yards before we have to meet Mike & Meighan to ride Alpine Dam/Seven Sisters - one of the harder rides in the Bay Area. The weather is gorgeous and we finish with no problem. D & I go shopping for a new dresser - the eternal quest toward which our failed efforts have turned our spare bedroom into a walk-in closet. We haven't been able to see the bed for weeks due to insane amounts of laundry. Thank the dear Lord he sprang for the high-efficiency washer/dryer when we moved in! We go on a date to see the Da Vinci Code. I am very excited to dress up (dressing up = anything but spandex), even if just to walk to the movies. It is hard to feel like a pretty girl when you are sweaty and gross 20 hours/weekend. The movie is definitely not as good as the book. We had planned to hit the local pub on the way home, but were too tuckered out. We both feel old and tired.

Monday, 5/29 HOLIDAY - We sleep in . . . HOORAY SLEEPING IN . . . for the first time in a LONG time. BTW sleeping in means getting up at 9am. We shop for clothes, meet Kristy and Alberto for lunch to celebrate their engagement, do laundry and make dinner. We laugh that this is a super-fun day for us, yet it consisted almost entirely of errands.

Tuesday 5/30 - Friday 5/2: Work, Workout, Eat, Sleep, Repeat.

Saturday, 6/3 - Wake up early for 7am run. Am planning on going 12 mi., but end up going 5 to get back in time to meet up with the wedding party for primping and pics. Wedding is beautiful. Manage to stick to two glasses of wine in preparation for tomorrow's 90 mile ride, avoid sunburn in 100 degree weather, but do get bitten by a large bug. Yuck.

Sunday, 6/4 - Derek & I meet up with Susan, Pete & Meighan for a ride. We quickly sexify into groups of boys and girls. Susan fills the girls in on her British love affair as we cruise for the first 20 mi. or so. At 35, we hit dark, misty, windy weather and decide to turn back toward the city which is sunny for a change! I get attacked by hives and end my ride at 67 - not the mental barrier I intended to break, but a solid ride nonetheless. And, I learned that when cows lie down, it means they are preparing for a storm. I think they were confused though, because it was sunny and nice all day and still is. This weekend was the Union St. Fair - one of my favorite days in 05. Bummer that we missed it.


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